
Match Report: Bournemouth A vs Wimborne C

Home Game: Bournemouth A vs Wimborne C
Tuesday 16th May 2017
Result: 3 : 1

The last match played at Wimborne was very good indeed. Despite the disappointment of the final Poole match, the team remained focused and finished the season strongly by securing second place in Division 2.

Michael played very well as usual, his decision to move next season to Poole club to play Division 1 chess is understandable and we wish him all the best. We thank him for his remarkable results playing for us over last few years, he is going to be missed. We hope his replacement will eventually reach his very high standards.

Paul Errington, Chairman

Individual Results

Bournemouth Player Score Wimborne Player
Duggan, Michael (180) 1 - 0 Nielsen, Jorgen H (148)
Sorensen, Phil (132) 0.5 - 0.5 Culleton, Steve E (134)
Jackson, Paul (130) 1 - 0 Bowley, John (126)
Manrique, Jesse (125E) 0.5 - 0.5 Wallace, Phil (122)