
Match Report: Poole B vs Bournemouth A

Away Game: Poole B vs Bournemouth A
Friday 11th May 2017
Result: 2.5 : 1.5

Well done to Poole team who won this match. It was a really hard fought contest. They held our three top two boards to draws and managed a win on board 4 with only a pawn advantage securing the win. We will live to fight another day, with one match remaining on Monday. We intend to remain focused and end the season in division 2 with an excellent outcome.

Paul Errington, Captain

Individual Results

Poole Player Score Bournemouth Player
Stanciu, Ciprian (163) 0.5 - 0.5 Duggan, Michael (180)
Makawitage, Hiru (158) 0.5 - 0.5 Lines, Tim (172)
Makawitage, Sandu (149) 0.5 - 0.5 Jackson, Paul (130)
Popovic, Dragi (151) 1 - 0 Sorensen, Phil (132)