
AGM 2018 Minutes

Annual General Meeting, Bournemouth Chess Club

Monday 2nd July 2018, 2pm, Kinson Community Centre

Committee present:
Paul Errington, chairman, Simon Errington, secretary, Andrew Alderton, treasurer.

Members present: Derek Jones, Paul Bland, Roy Eddington, Tim Lions, Ivan Willis
and Phil Sorrensen.

  1.  Chairman opened the meeting welcoming all present.
  2.  Apologies for absence, Paul Jackson.
  3.  No matters arising from last AGM, Minutes accepted unanimously.
  4.  Secretary’s report.
  5.  Chairman’s report.  He reminded everyone of Two Towns Chess match on 12th September 2018.  Dave Burt, ex Chairman, recovering from illness and everyone wished him well.  Agreed to restart Monday afternoon open chess afternoon on 17th September.
  6. Treasurer’s report.  A vote on annual subscription to be £50 per year. (If required £25 payable in September and £25 after Christmas. Proposed by Andrew Alderton and seconded by Ivan Willis.
  7. Block vote to continue with committee. Paul Errington proposed Roy Eddington as a new member of the committee. Seconded by Andrew Alderton.
  8. Bronze membership for league players £16 per year. Anyone requiring silver membership a further £8.
  9. Team reports. First team manager Paul Errington in division 2, came third. A very good result. Second team manager, Roy Eddington, division 2, were short of high grade players, put up a spirited performance, now relegated to division 3. Third team manager, Simon Errington, played division 5. Came second, good performance. Paul Bland won best player, the Boardman Trophy.
  10. Website fully operational, looking to recruit new members.  
  11. Any other business. Looking to save costs. Proposal by Ivan Willis that Monday afternoon club chess will now be played on the first and third weeks of the month, instead of every Monday. Seconded by Andrew Alderton.
  12. Will advise all members on website of match/club nights which is usually a Tuesday evening.
  13. Paul Errington concluded the meeting at 3pm.