
Match Report: Wimborne B vs Bournemouth A

Away Game: Wimborne B vs Bournemouth A
Wednesday 12 February 2020
Division 2 Result  1:3

We had the win we needed against Wimborne B team. Nicko and Martin won their games. Man of the match was Martin, who reversed his result against Peter Wilcock on their last game. We now have our last match with New Milton and a the chance to challenge. Last night made this our best result this season. I look forward to next month's game.

Paul Errington, Captain

Individual Results

Wimborne Players Score Bournemouth Players
 Culleton, Steve E 0 - 1  Kallitsis, Nikolaos
 Wilcock, Peter 0 - 1  O'Neill, M
 Jackson, Michael ½ - ½  Bolton, Stephen
 Buckfield, Harold A ½ - ½  Jackson, Paul A